Monday, May 2, 2011

Discussion Forum

Intro for Strother's “Legal and Ethical Issues of the Corporate Blogosphere”

The mass of blogs on the internet, or the blogosphere, is growing at an incredible rate. This growth is because of how revolutionary the power to blog really is. Individuals can blog to get their voice heard, or companies can blog to communicate with the public. Due to its profitability blogging has become completely international. Companies can both give updates and receive feedback from their costomers through the same method, blogging. Blogging has forever changed the face of the somuter science industry. Nearly all large computing companies have blogs, because of the massive percentage of their target audience that is willing to get online and read these blogs. The gameing industry has also been fundamentally changed. Good or bad reviews in player blogs ultimatly have a larger affect of the sales of a game then millins of dollars in advertising. However revolutionary a process it might be blogging is by no means free of risk. Companies and individuals alike are responsible for what they post on onlineblogs.  Strother’s article points out the positive aspects of blogging while at the same time highlighting the risks and moral issues that blogs entail. An innumerable amount of corperate and personal blogs demonstrate questionable ethics in their use of the blogosphere. Whereas for individuals the blogosphere is a way to epress themselves and/or gain information on things they are intrested in; for corperations the blogosphere is a tool to make money as well as a weapon that could be turned against them. It is sometimes difficult to maintian ethics when it is so easy to seriously and anynomiously damage a competitor’s reputation. Strother accuratly discribes all aspects, both positive and negitive, involved in the growing corperate blogosphere useing numerious intresting examples.

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